Sunday, January 17, 2010

My first post

Well, hello.  Here I am. 
Let it be known, I have begun.  A journey of a thousand miles...and all that sort of thing. 

The compelling reason for my doing the blog thing is I have something to say. Certainly.  Truly.  Honestly.

 As I move in my day,  ideas, dreams and wishes for the world, play around in my head and heart.  It feels like it needs sharing.

I know we have life spirit within.  I know we are connected through spirit. So my meditations, thoughts, art and way of life ripple into your world.  Maybe that's why you've shown up here.

I desire us to honor our power.  Share our stories.  Laugh.  Think.  Live with purpose.  Love.  Create.

Wouldn't it be great if conversations from around the globe began taking place here?  What a thought!

I plan to share personal insights, websites, music, art,  as well as listen and learn from you.   I fully don't know what I am doing except that I feel a strong motivation to do this.  So, join me.  Come along.

With great love,

 Until soon.....   Hugs,  Sandra