Saturday, September 18, 2010

forward and onward creatively.

(btw, I am here for the week alone, as John had to return to the states to work.  He returns tomorrow   This has been good for me… )

Saturday morning here in Arles sur Tech.  I am momentarily back in my apartment after a brisk walk to my favorite bakery.  Out of croissants!  Boo hoo.   However I am provided  an opportunity to try something new!  OMG.  A flat pretzel shape philo dough, filled with raisins and  peach jam.   I will have to share this find with John or anyone else who will listen.  With a soft boiled egg and coffee, ma petit dejeuner est complet. Of course, each time I leave my apartment, I must  practice confidence with the tongue of French.

This confidence is a strange quality to grab hold of.   I’m seeing that when one is placed in a new environment, where many of the supports of daily life are in the absent mode,  then other supports need to be created or developed.

Teresa and Pierre are wonderful supports.  I try to keep a balance so as not to over stretch their kindness.  So far, all is rolling along smoothly.  We both respect each other; that is important. (And I try not to lean on John too much either). 

So, with a sure place to dock if I need one, T & P’s garden is, as I have said before, exquisite.  Perhaps they will allow me a picture or two.  I also want to photograph several of the Catalan design floor tiles throughout their home.  These will be paper cuts or paintings as they are given new life with my materials.

Confidence develops differently for me here.  This time- place reality where I find myself is so interesting in itself.  Being in another culture peaks curiosity and stimulates my growth especially when  I  s t r e t c h.  

For one tiny advancement, I find my ear is becoming more tuned in to the French… the Catalan French… that is here in Arles.     Confidence grows as I make a purposeful intent to step beyond my comfort zone.  It ain’t easy.

An example:    Yesterday, 2 women stopped and asked me if I knew where a certain doctor was?   Hmmm, I don’t think so.  However, I was able to direct them to the Bureau of Tourist Information.  Then I proceeded on to the Marie to deliver a message I had carefully written in French  with requests about my community installation.

Popping back outside, I once again meet the 2 women.   I asked them if all was ok finding the doctor.   OH MY.  I was totally unprepared for the earful I received.   It was tragic, terrible, horrible, et al, that the clinic does not have the doctor they seek.  Listening to them for a few moments, letting them air their frustrations, I gave a comment. In a few words I expressed that I had hoped the result would be happy, different.    Their countenances changed dramatically.  They responded with how kind I am, etc etc.   Then we wished each other a good journey and we separated.  I could hear their conversation as we separated, and the vibration of their words was more positive.

 It is big for me to have to become a good listener (and I thought I was! What did I know?).   I must listen carefully to grasp what others are saying. So I am learning.  I feel good about this.

There are many such tales and I do not wish to bore you.   Instead I do wish to make a personal observation: 

    Tuning into the world around me with acceptance that my French is not fluent takes off  
    the pressure that I must be perfect.   I  am then freer to use the tools I have to  
    Can you imagine how good this feels? 

Nope, not ready to run out and totally be swamped, but I take a “little by little the bird builds its nest” approach.

I have driven on many S curve roads, up hills and down.  I have followed Pierre or Teresa who drive rapidly on these roads and have safely expanded my driving skills.  Confidence grows with the doing.

Let’s see, Spirit has been teaching me Patience, and now Confidence.
I do not know what my next lesson will be.    Check back.

Energy of Love and Wisdom flourish.

I am honored.

I am nourished.

Blessings on your day.

Sandra Faye

1 comment:

  1. Keep on blogging, Sandra.

    It's fun to read and interesting to hear about your daily life and adventures.

    It keeps you closer to us all.

